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Stay Calm & Practice Self-Care

Self Care



If you have read the news or watch late night shows, you have seen her face: Ms Success through Self-Care Advocate,  Arianna Huffington has been promoting her book Thrive, where she promotes the concept of rest, meditation, and overall self-care for the success of any woman in leadership positions. And if it’s an essential for her, then most women ought to listen.

It’s is very easy to let yourself go. If you are a woman, you get how easy our society and our families make it for us to give ourselves completely to others. This leads to burn out (at home & at work) and it also leaves to lack of fulfillment. When women are not given space to nurture their spirit, everyone loses.

I’ve had those days, believe me. We all have. But the secret to busy, full lives is to incorporate at least five minutes of a practice that helps you connect to your soul, chill, and decompress.

One of the obstacles to practicing self-care is not really knowing what nurtures you. Sounds silly, but it is true. Usually it takes some prodding to get women to uncover what helps them feel rejuvenated on a weekly basis.

So, here’s a few go-to’s for me & my clients that will ensure you are THRIVING in life & work.


  • Meditation. Yes, I know, total clique. If you don’t think you have what it takes to quiet your mind & relax, no worries. Here’s 2  simple ways to get the same effect.


  1. Yin Self Exercise: Set a 2-minute timer, close your eyes, cover your eyes with your hands, make it as dark as possible, and focus on the darkest spots in your “inner vision”. Do this until the timer goes off, and puff, you have been rejuvenated. Try it now! It totally works.
  2. Candle viewing: At night before going to bed: light a candle, set a 2 minute timer, and softly gaze at the candle. Notice what is around the candle, the flame, and notice how your breathing slows, and your shoulders drop from this simple technique.



  • Block out Creative time. Yep, you heard me. If this feels totally unproductive, try it anyway, and then tell me how amazing you feel afterwards. The beauty of tapping into that creative, boundless part of your brain, is that you create new neural pathways that by-pass old patterns &  unlock new ways of doing things. Creativity is such a source of passion for so many people, and if you are in your passion, you will relax & hence thrive. Creative time can include:


  1. Painting (even if just with your kids crayons). One of my clients uses mandala coloring books, and finds it so relaxing to just do for a few minutes while she’s on hold on the phone.


  1. Doodling. Try this even while you are sitting in boring meetings. Or just when you have a few minutes. Doodling frees your mind!


  1. Gardening: I love this one! This allows you to connect to nature, and be creative as you design your outside space, or care for plants that will render fruits or veggies.


  1. Dance! Yes, dance for the love of your precious body. Movement can be such a powerful creative expression. And if you are too shy to go to a class, send everyone out of the house, put on your favorite music, and move as wildly as you want. Nobody is watching, so enjoy letting go & see how ALIVE you feel.



These are some of my favorites! I sure hope you take me up on Staying Calm & Practicing Self-Care. Your life depends on it, Lovely!


Have an amazing day & Create Abundant Living!



If you want to find out how to work with Asha, send an email directly to ashastories@gmail.com or call her 617-869-5000.

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